The Academic Year Begins!
Learning, Enjoyment, Success through Music!
Here's what I have planned for the 2016- 2017 Academic Year:

I will be teaching at my Home Studio in Sharon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at Concord Conservatory on Saturdays. Please contact me ASAP to discuss lesson times.

On Thursday evenings, I will be conducting the Canton American Legion Community Band. During the summer, I had the pleasure of conducting the band at 3 well-received concerts. We welcome new members: adults and high school students, all band instruments. Contact me for more info. It’s a fun group!
In early November, I will be having my annual Practice Audition Class for all students auditioning for Junior/Senior District and All State. More details will be announced soon. My Studio Recital will be in June. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to perform with a professional accompanist. Specific location and date will be announced in January. See my we site for information on the Practice Audition Class and Studio Recital.

I offer many other opportunities for performance, competitions and chamber ensembles. See the Student Accomplishment page of my web site to learn about the great things my students have been doing.
I plan to start a Clarinet Ensemble in both my Sharon and Concord Studios. Let me know if you are interested, and if you know of others who may be interested please share my information with them.
I welcome new Clarinet students, and your referrals are always appreciated. If you refer a student who registers for a semester of lessons, you will receive one Free Lesson!

I will be performing on September 30th at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education, March 3rd at New England Conservatory and April 29th at Concord Conservatory. These concerts will feature music of the great Spanish composers Enrique Granados and Manuel de Falla. In October I will be performing in a program about music and art in the Czech Republic at the Kaji Aso Studio Institute for the Arts in Boston. I will keep you updated about all of my performances.
Please visit my new web site and facebook page . I appreciate all “Shares”!